Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Free Speech and the Taser Incident

Sentator Kerry's website invites comments on this topic, but doesn't post any of them. Therefore, I submit my post to the Senator here:

One website expressed a view I've heard over and over as the incident becomes a free speech debate. The view was that intervening -- telling the officers to STOP isn't something a politician would do, but it's what a man would do. I do not know what kind of man you are, sir, but I voted for you in 2004. I wasn't naive to think of you as some sort of hero, but I believed you had the courage of your convictions, and would do more to safeguard the Consitutional freedoms we hold so dear. I was deeply troubled that none of that courage surfaced when it was tested by this seemingly innocuous event. I remember Kent State. This was not it, but you saw the face of Fascism only a few feet away, and blithly turned away.

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