Sunday, October 07, 2007

8th Amendment and the RIAA verdict

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), won a case against Jammie Thomas, a Minnesota resident, Ojiibwa tribe native and mother of two. The fine of $220,000 plus legal fees made Ms. Thomas not only the first individual in the U.S. convicted in trial of music piracy, but a striking reminder of how justice can be perverted when large corporations seek to make an example of individual citizens with less means to defend themselves. Is the 8th Amendmend of the United States Constiutution ignored in today's legal system? It reads:

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."

As much as the Jena 6, this case brought attention to unequal prosecution in America, the Jammie Thomas case shows our courts are increasingly neither fair, or just. The freedoms we hold dear are in peril, and it can only be hoped this is appealed on 8th Amendment grounds, to the U.S. Supreme Court if needed. Towards that end, we encourage donations at