Saturday, November 25, 2006

.: Reinstrate the Draft - Military :. .: All American Patriots :.

.: Rev. Jackson Comments on Congressman Rangel's Proposal to Reinstrate the Draft - Military :. .: All American Patriots :.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Civil Liberities In the Election

Will the mid-term rise of the Democratic congress change the prospects of improved respect for Civil Liberties or revision of the Patriot Act? See article and have your say!

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Self Defeating War -- Bush, an American Nero

George Soros wrote perhaps the most succinct assessment of the worst policy since Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD):

At least the proposition of MAD was that insanity could be a deterrent. The Bush/Rice/Rumsfield "war on terror" is all incompassing foreign/domestic policy that seems to have blinded the current administration to the inevitable conclusion of our present course, which is no less than the destruction of our Republic. Our future is burning as never before, and History will judge whether our Democracy prevails or we have doomed ourselves to repeat failures of past Empires by ignoring its lessons.